The Medical Education Team provides junior medical staff with the education and training they need to achieve their goals and provide outstanding patient care.

ICU staff in masks and shields looking at computer
ICU staff looking at a computer screen

Our junior medical staff educational program calendar is always responding to the needs of junior doctors and therefore many new programs are currently in development. Find out more about the program below.

Intern orientation

A comprehensive program that aims to have interns work-ready.

The program involves practical procedures such as basic life support and deteriorating patient simulations, EMR and safe prescribing training, as well as following a fictional patient Barry along his journey through the hospital departments.

Intern orientation week concludes with shadowing outgoing interns on the wards.

‘U&Me’ Near-to-Peer Mentoring

A program designed to help prevocational trainees (including interns) new to the RMH transition into their role and hit the ground running. The aim is for mentor and mentee to draw on their similar knowledge, training level, and work experiences, thereby, enabling the founding of a mutually supportive and empowering collaborative relationship.

‘U&Me’ Mentor Training Program

U&Me Mentors are offered an educational program to support them in their significant role as mentor. The program delves into understanding, the principles of emotional intelligence, personality types, recognising the signs of distress, and strengthening resilience.

HMO and registrar orientation

A morning orientation program on day one of term one, which provides a welcome to the RMH, the RMH-specific clinical information including deteriorating patient guidelines, EMR training and safety culture information.

Doctors in Training (DiT) are provided with online resources to review before orientation to ensure maximum organisational knowledge before starting on the wards.

Protected weekly intern education sessions

Weekly sessions cover topics within medicine, surgery, and all subspecialties to assist interns in developing skills to prepare for a HMO position. The hour-long sessions are protected education time for interns to leave the wards to attend.

The information provided during intern education is current and relevant and falls in line with the Confederation of Postgraduate Medical Education Council's Curriculum Framework.

SET interview preparation

This is a 4-part program including behavioural interviewing techniques, interpreting emotional intelligence and mock interview opportunities with immediate consultant feedback on how to structure a response framework.

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Medical Education