Our medical, nursing and allied health clinicians are increasingly involved in research to improve the care of our patients. This is reflected in the breadth of our research publications.
Very late-onset cytomegalovirus disease with ganciclovir resistance >15 years following renal transplantation
Khan, SF; Yong, MK; Slavin, MA; Hughes, P; Sasadeusz, J
(2021), Transpl. Infect. Dis.
DOI: 10.1111/tid.13441
Hepatitis B related dilemmas in the renal unit
Holt, SG; Locarnini, S; Sasadeusz, J
(2021), Nephrology, 287-293
DOI: 10.1111/nep.13815
Misclassification of calcium status in end-stage kidney disease using albumin-adjusted calcium levels
Law, MM; Smith, JD; Schneider, HG; Wilson, S
(2021), Nephrology, 725-732
DOI: 10.1111/nep.13910
Operative experience in essential emergency general surgery procedures: is autonomy achievable during surgical training?
Belvedere, S; Joh, D; Furlong, T; Dennett, E; Loveday, BPT
(2021), ANZ J. Surg., 1131-1137
DOI: 10.1111/ans.16730
Proliferative Glomerulonephritis With Fibrils, Monoclonal kappa Light Chain, and C3 Deposits
Steinberg, AG; Fox, LC; Bender, S; Batrouney, A; Juneja, S; Sirac, C; Touchard, G; Blombery, P; Finlay, MJ; Bridoux, F; Barbour, TD
(2021), Am. J. Kidney Dis., 459-463
Transition from a renal paediatric clinic to an adult clinic: Perspectives of adolescents and young adults, parents and health professionals
Crawford, K; Low, JK; Le Page, AK; Mulley, W; Masterson, R; Kausman, J; Cook, N; Mount, P; Manias, E
(2021), J. Child Health Care
Prolonged immunosuppression does not improve risk of sensitization or likelihood of retransplantation after kidney transplant graft failure
Martin, K; Cantwell, L; Barraclough, KA; Lian, M; Masterson, R; Hughes, PD; Chow, KV
(2021), Transpl. Int., 2353-2362
DOI: 10.1111/tri.13998
Paediatric deceased donor kidney transplant in Australia: A 30-year review-What have paediatric bonuses achieved and where to from here?
Sypek, MP; Davies, CE; Le Page, AK; Clayton, P; Hughes, PD; Larkins, N; Wong, G; Kausman, JY; Mackie, F
(2021), Pediatr. Transplant.
DOI: 10.1111/petr.14019
The effect of increasing dialysate magnesium on calciprotein particles, inflammation and bone markers: post hoc analysis from a randomized controlled clinical trial
Bressendorff, I; Hansen, D; Pasch, A; Holt, SG; Schou, M; Brandi, L; Smith, ER
(2021), Nephrol. Dial. Transplant., 713-721
DOI: 10.1093/ndt/gfz234
The Australian Calciphylaxis Registry: reporting clinical features and outcomes of patients with calciphylaxis
Ruderman, I; Toussaint, ND; Hawley, CM; Krishnasamy, R; Pedagogos, E; Lioufas, N; Elder, GJ
(2021), Nephrol. Dial. Transplant., 649-656
DOI: 10.1093/ndt/gfz256
Serum phosphate and mortality in incident dialysis patients in Australia and New Zealand
Tiong, MK; Ullah, S; McDonald, SP; Tan, SJ; Lioufas, NM; Roberts, MA; Toussaint, ND
(2021), Nephrology, 814-823
DOI: 10.1111/nep.13904
Incidence and predictors of vascular events following end-stage kidney disease in childhood
Le Page, AK; Kennedy, SE; Durkan, A; Chaturvedi, S; Walker, A; Sypek, MP
(2021), Nephrology, 715-724
DOI: 10.1111/nep.13886
Long-term follow-up of renal function in patients treated with migalastat for Fabry disease
Bichet, DG; Torra, R; Wallace, E; Hughes, D; Giugliani, R; Skuban, N; Krusinska, E; Feldt-Rasmussen, U; Schiffmann, R; Nicholls, K
(2021), Molec. Genet. Metab. Rep.
Standardising clinical outcomes measures for adult clinical trials in Fabry disease: A global Delphi consensus
Moreno-Martinez, D; Aguiar, P; Auray-Blais, C; Beck, M; Bichet, DG; Burlina, A; Cole, D; Elliott, P; Feldt-Rasmussen, U; Feriozzi, S; Fletcher, J; Giugliani, R; Jovanovic, A; Kampmann, C; Langeveld, M; Lidove, O; Linhart, A; Mauer, M; Moon, JC; Muir, A; Nowak, A; Oliveira, JP; Ortiz, A; Pintos-Morell, G; Politei, J; Rozenfeld, P; Schiffmann, R; Svarstad, E; Talbot, AS; Thomas, M; Tondel, C; Warnock, D; West, ML; Hughes, DA
(2021), Mol. Genet. Metab., 234-243
Electronic alerts for early detection of acute kidney injury: considering their implementation in Australian hospitals
Bendall, AC; Tan, SJ; See, EJ; Toussaint, ND
(2021), Med. J. Aust., 347
DOI: 10.5694/mja2.51024
Long-Term Efficacy and Safety of the Long-Acting Complement C5 Inhibitor Ravulizumab for the Treatment of Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome in Adults
Barbour, T; Scully, M; Ariceta, G; Cataland, S; Garlo, K; Heyne, N; Luque, Y; Menne, J; Miyakawa, Y; Yoon, SS; Kavanagh, D
(2021), Kidney Int. Rep., 1603-1613
HLA Eplet Mismatches in Kidney Transplantation: More Than Just Adding Things Up
Sypek, MP; Hughes, P
(2021), Kidney Int. Rep., 1500-1502
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on Effects of Bicarbonate Therapy on Kidney Outcomes
Hultin, S; Hood, C; Campbell, KL; Toussaint, ND; Johnson, DW; Badve, SV
(2021), Kidney Int. Rep., 695-705
HBEGF: an EGF-like growth factor with FGF23-like activity?
Smith, ER; Hewitson, TD
(2021), Kidney Int., 539-542
Dietary Phosphate Consumption in Australians With Stages 3b and 4 Chronic Kidney Disease
Conley, M; Lioufas, N; Toussaint, ND; Elder, GJ; Badve, SV; Hawley, CM; Pascoe, EM; Pedagogos, E; Valks, A; Campbell, KL
(2021), J. Renal Nutr., 155-163
A novel way to re-use reverse osmosis reject water
Agar, JWM; Barraclough, KA
(2021), J. Nephrol., 27-28
Muddying the waters of hyperparathyroidism management in chronic kidney disease: a brown tumour in a predialysis patient
Tiong, MK; Yates, CJ; Toussaint, ND
(2021), Intern. Med. J., 450-451
DOI: 10.1111/imj.15235
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis complicated by genital involvement: sustained response to rituximab
Paxton, L; De Crespigny, PC; Nicholls, K
(2021), Intern. Med. J., 444-445
DOI: 10.1111/imj.15224
Effect of a medium cut-off dialyzer on protein-bound uremic toxins and mineral metabolism markers in patients on hemodialysis
Tiong, MK; Krishnasamy, R; Smith, ER; Hutchison, CA; Ryan, EG; Pascoe, EM; Hawley, CM; Hewitson, TD; Jardine, MJ; Roberts, MA; Cho, Y; Wong, MG; Heath, A; Nelson, CL; Sen, S; Mount, PF; Vergara, LA; Paul-Brent, PA; Johnson, DW; Toussaint, ND
(2021), Hemodial. Int., 322-332
DOI: 10.1111/hdi.12924
Clinical impact of genomic testing in patients with suspected monogenic kidney disease
Jayasinghe, K; Stark, Z; Kerr, PG; Gaff, C; Martyn, M; Whitlam, J; Creighton, B; Donaldson, E; Hunter, M; Jarmolowicz, A; Johnstone, L; Krzesinski, E; Lunke, S; Lynch, E; Nicholls, K; Patel, C; Prawer, Y; Ryan, J; See, EJ; Talbot, A; Trainer, A; Tytherleigh, R; Valente, G; Wallis, M; Wardrop, L; West, KH; White, SM; Wilkins, E; Mallett, AJ; Quinlan, C
(2021), Genet. Med., 183-191
A Metabolic Reprogramming of Glycolysis and Glutamine Metabolism Is a Requisite for Renal Fibrogenesis-Why and How?
Hewitson, TD; Smith, ER
(2021), Front. Physiol.
Understanding factors contributing to the underrepresentation of female co-authors in intensive care publications
See, EJ; Lussier, S; Jones, D
(2021), Aust. Crit. Care, 519-521
Inferiority of arteriovenous grafts, in comparison to autogenous fistulas, is underestimated by standard survival measures alone
Thwaites, SE; Holt, SG; Yii, MK
(2021), ANZ J. Surg., 162-167
DOI: 10.1111/ans.16472
Addressing the Environmental Impact of Kidney Care
Yau, A; Agar, JWM; Barraclough, KA
(2021), Am. J. Kidney Dis., 406-409