1 July marked the end of an era and the beginning of a new one for Victoria's mental health services, and we're excited to be part of this change.

Implementing the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System, from 1 July, our Mid-West Area Mental Health Services and portions of our Aged Persons Mental Health Program will transition to Western Health, Northern Health and Mercy Mental Health.

We will still keep our mental health services in the Inner West and at the RMH Parkville.

As we look to the future, there is much to look forward to as we continue to develop our RMH mental health services to provide the best possible care for our community.

This includes the delivery of 22 new mental health beds at our Parkville site, and the opening of a new mental health crisis hub later this year, providing support and treatment to people coming through our emergency department.

The changes taking effect from 1 July are significant, but they will also mean that we're in the very best position to meet the mental health needs of Victorians, particularly those in growing communities of north and west Melbourne.

The RMH Parkville main entrance
The RMH Parkville main entrance
Mobile Stroke Unit with Ambulance Victoria paramedic and the RMH Stroke team
Media enquiries

We provide a media service from 6am to 10pm each day. Journalists are welcome to contact our media advisor on-call via the RMH Switchboard on (03) 9342 7000.

During business hours, journalists can email mh-communications@mh.org.au. We do not respond to emails outside business hours.