479,153 mental health service calls

Our mental health triage service receives calls from people across Melbourne's CBD, northern and western suburbs needing mental health support for themselves, their loved one or their patient.

Wellbeing and mental health support is a major focus for the RMH. We are always there when it matters most.

Get help

Information, support and specialist mental health services for people experiencing acute mental health problems

Provide support

Information, support and resources for professionals caring for people's mental health

About us

Find out more about who we are and what we do
Older person sitting on park bench

Adult and older adult mental health services

We focus on caring for adults and older adults in the inner city and western areas of Melbourne.

Young person looking sad

Child & youth mental health services

Orygen provides our youth mental health services. The Royal Children's Hospital cares for infants and children.

This video shows nurses and doctors walking through the corridors of the Royal Melbourne Hospital. They are interacting with patients.

Sharing lived experience

Our recovery stories showcase the personal narratives and practical advice of people who live with a mental illness, or look after someone with a mental illness.

Consumer and Mental Health staff at CCU

Donate now

Mental health incorporates our psychological, emotional and social wellbeing. 20% of Australians have or will experience a mental health illness in their lifetime. 

We conduct research for mental health. If you'd like to support our research work, donate now.

Latest news & events

Quilts to provide comfort and care for our First Nations consumers
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Dr David Fenn
David Fenn joins the board of Collaborative Centre
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AIM Clinic opening
New clinic at the RMH to provide novel treatments for people with severe mood disorders
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Gina on R U OK Day
Addressing the elephant in the room this R U OK Day
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The RMH Parkville main entrance
New era begins for Victoria’s mental health services
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BRIGHT-YOD neuropsychiatry staff in meeting room video conference
Telehealth program helping people living with young onset dementia
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Neurology and Stroke medical staff viewing image of brain
Early diagnosis of dementia giving hope to thousands of Australians
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Arnaud LeBon
Former consumer turned employee gives back through music
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Last updated 30 June 2023