In an emergency or life-threatening situation call 000
The RMH Parkville
The RMH Parkville provides general and specialist medical and surgical acute services as well as specialist clinics.
The RMH Royal Park
The RMH Royal Park provides specialist rehabilitation and aged care, outpatient and community programs.
The RMH Elizabeth St
The RMH Elizabeth St is home to our corporate services as well as some specialist clinics.
Contact and locations
Contact and location information for our services is available throughout this website.
If you can't find what you need, call the RMH Switchboard on (03) 9342 7000
Patients and consumers
Visitors and visiting hours
Compliments and complaints
For GPs and other entities
Medical records access and privacy
Family Violence and Child Information Sharing Schemes
Email for requests under the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme (FVISS) and/or Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS).
For requests under the Children, Youth and Families Act (CYFA), email with the patient details and specific clinical information required. Please ensure the request is signed and dated by a delegate of the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing.
Media enquiries
We provide a media service from 6am to 10pm each day. Journalists are welcome to contact our media advisor on-call via the RMH Switchboard on (03) 9342 7000.
During business hours, journalists can email We do not respond to emails outside business hours.
Contacted by Workplace Relations?
The Workplace Relations team is a specialist team who provide expert advice and training on Enterprise Agreements and related entitlements for staff.
If our team has reached out to you about confirming your personal or banking details, please complete the Workplace Relations Confirmation of Details form.