Research at the RMH is supported by engagement with precinct partners including The University of Melbourne, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health and the Doherty Institute.
Our clinical, basic and translational research is supported through engagement with the scientific capability, research infrastructure and cross-disciplinary capacity of these academic partners.
About research
Clinical trials
We give science the platforms it needs
As the key adult acute and subacute health provider in the Melbourne Biomedical Precinct, we play a major role in giving science the platforms it needs to solve pressing health problems.
6,700+ research publications in the last 5 years
This includes 4,800+ journal articles, with 50% of our total publications involving international collaborations.
Our research is led and supported by the Office for Research
Research at the RMH reflects the health concerns and needs to our communities, and is consistent with our values of caring, unity, respect, integrity and excellence.
Research is central to what we do.
We are constantly striving to improve care and quality of life through research, treatments and therapies.