Our medical, nursing and allied health clinicians are increasingly involved in research to improve the care of our patients. This is reflected in the breadth of our research publications.
Wildfire smoke exposure and respiratory health outcomes in young adults born extremely preterm or extremely low birthweight
Haikerwal, A; Doyle, LW; Wark, JD; Irving, L; Cheong, JLY
(2021), Environ. Res.
Approach to Interpreting Common Laboratory Pathology Tests in Transgender Individuals
Cheung, AS; Lim, HY; Cook, T; Zwickl, S; Ginger, A; Chiang, C; Zajac, JD
(2021), J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., 893-901
The relationship between diabetes and surgical site infection following coronary artery bypass graft surgery in current-era models of care
Cheuk, N; Worth, LJ; Tatoulis, J; Skillington, P; Kyi, M; Fourlanos, S
(2021), J. Hosp. Infect., 47-52
Metabolic outcomes in patients with diabetes mellitus administered SGLT2 inhibitors immediately before emergency or elective surgery: single centre experience and recommendations
Wang, R; Kave, B; McIlroy, E; Kyi, M; Colman, PG; Fourlanos, S
(2021), Br. J. Anaesth., E5-E7
Autoantibody-Negative Type 1 Diabetes: A Neglected Subtype
Patel, SK; Ma, CS; Fourlanos, S; Greenfield, JR
(2021), Trends Endocrinol. Metab., 295-305
The Effect of Impact Exercise (Alone or Multicomponent Intervention) on Health-Related Outcomes in Individuals at Risk of Fractures: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Rodrigues, IB; Ponzano, M; Hosseini, Z; Thabane, L; Chilibeck, PD; Butt, DA; Ashe, MC; Stapleton, J; Wark, J; Giangregorio, LM
(2021), Sports Med., 1273-1292
Cancer patients' perspectives on participating in a community pharmacy-based hyperglycaemia screening service - A qualitative exploration of enablers and barriers
Sedrak, A; Glewis, S; Alexander, M; Lingaratnam, MS; Chiang, C; Luetsch, K
(2021), Res. Soc. Adm. Pharm., 613-618
Progressive Resistance Training for Improving Health-Related Outcomes in People at Risk of Fracture: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
Ponzano, M; Rodrigues, IB; Hosseini, Z; Ashe, MC; Butt, DA; Chilibeck, PD; Stapleton, J; Thabane, L; Wark, JD; Giangregorio, LM
(2021), Phys. Therapy
DOI: 10.1093/ptj/pzaa221
High prevalence of idiopathic (islet antibody-negative) type 1 diabetes among Indian children and adolescents
Vipin, VP; Zaidi, G; Watson, K; Colman, PG; Prakash, S; Agrawal, S; Bhatia, V; Dabadghao, P; Bhatia, E
(2021), Pediatr. Diabetes, 47-51
DOI: 10.1111/pedi.13066
Associations between diet, the gut microbiome and short chain fatty acids in youth with islet autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes
Harbison, JE; Thomson, RL; Wentworth, JM; Louise, J; Roth-Schulze, A; Battersby, RJ; Ngui, KM; Penno, MAS; Colman, PG; Craig, ME; Barry, SC; Tran, CD; Makrides, M; Harrison, LC; Couper, JJ
(2021), Pediatr. Diabetes, 425-433
DOI: 10.1111/pedi.13178
Loss of bone density and bone strength following premenopausal risk-reducing bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy: a prospective controlled study (WHAM Study)
Jiang, H; Robinson, DL; Lee, PVS; Krejany, EO; Yates, CJ; Hickey, M; Wark, JD
(2021), Osteoporosis Int., 101-112
Impact of preconception weight loss on fasting glucose and pregnancy outcomes in women with obesity: A randomized trial
Price, SAL; Sumithran, P; Nankervis, AJ; Permezel, M; Prendergast, LA; Proietto, J
(2021), Obesity, 1445-1457
DOI: 10.1002/oby.23200
Type 1 diabetes in pregnancy is associated with distinct changes in the composition and function of the gut microbiome
Roth-Schulze, AJ; Penno, MAS; Ngui, KM; Oakey, H; Bandala-Sanchez, E; Smith, AD; Allnutt, TR; Thomson, RL; Vuillermin, PJ; Craig, ME; Rawlinson, WD; Davis, EA; Harris, M; Soldatos, G; Colman, PG; Wentworth, JM; Haynes, A; Barry, SC; Sinnott, RO; Morahan, G; Bediaga, NG; Smyth, GK; Papenfuss, AT; Couper, JJ; Harrison, LC
(2021), Microbiome
Utilisation, access and recommendations regarding technologies for people living with type 1 diabetes: consensus statement of the ADS/ADEA/APEG/ADIPS Working Group
Pease, AJ; Andrikopoulos, S; Abraham, MB; Craig, ME; Fenton, B; Overland, J; Price, S; Simmons, D; Ross, GP
(2021), Med. J. Aust., 473-478
DOI: 10.5694/mja2.51118
Imatinib therapy for patients with recent-onset type 1 diabetes: a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial
Gitelman, SE; Bundy, BN; Ferrannini, E; Lim, N; Blanchfield, JL; DiMeglio, LA; Felner, EI; Gaglia, JL; Gottlieb, PA; Long, SA; Mari, A; Mirmira, RG; Raskin, P; Sanda, S; Tsalikian, E; Wentworth, JM; Willi, SM; Krischer, JP; Bluestone, JA
(2021), Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol., 502-514
Determinants of Cardiovascular Risk in 7000 Youth With Type 1 Diabetes in the Australasian Diabetes Data Network
Couper, JJ; Jones, TW; Chee, M; Barrett, HL; Bergman, P; Cameron, F; Craig, ME; Colman, P; Davis, EE; Donaghue, KC; Fegan, PG; Hamblin, PS; Holmes-Walker, DJ; Jefferies, C; Johnson, S; Mok, MT; King, BR; Sinnott, R; Ward, G; Wheeler, BJ; Zimmermann, A; Earnest, A
(2021), J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., 133-142
The Effects of Walking or Nordic Walking in Adults 50 Years and Older at Elevated Risk of Fractures: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Rodrigues, IB; Ponzano, M; Butt, DA; Bartley, J; Bardai, Z; Ashe, MC; Chilibeck, PD; Thabane, L; Wark, JD; Stapleton, J; Giangregorio, LM
(2021), J. Aging Phys. Act., 886-899
Exploring Fear of Falling and Exercise Self-Efficacy in Older Women With Vertebral Fractures
Ponzano, M; Gibbs, JC; Adachi, JD; Ashe, MC; Cheung, AM; Hill, KD; Kendler, D; Khan, AA; McArthur, C; Papaioannou, A; Thabane, L; Wark, JD; Giangregorio, LM
(2021), J. Aging Phys. Act., 219-224
Longitudinal prevalence of inpatient diabetes mellitus in an Australian hospital across five decades: 1972-2019
Wang, R; Colman, PG; Kyi, M; Russell, N; Fourlanos, S
(2021), Intern. Med. J., 814-815
DOI: 10.1111/imj.15322
Factors that predict glycaemic response to sodium-glucose linked transporter (SGLT) inhibitors
Harding, AL; Bediaga, N; Galligan, A; Colman, PG; Fourlanos, S; Wentworth, JM
(2021), Intern. Med. J., 515-519
DOI: 10.1111/imj.14805
A storm off the charts: a case of thyroid storm due to thyrotoxicosis factitia
Giang, NA; Lafontaine, N; Kyi, M
(2021), Intern. Med. J., 806-807
DOI: 10.1111/imj.15323
What Happens After Menopause? (WHAM): A prospective controlled study of cardiovascular and metabolic risk 12 months after premenopausal risk-reducing bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
Hickey, M; Moss, KM; Mishra, GD; Krejany, EO; Domchek, SM; Wark, JD; Trainer, A; Wild, RA
(2021), Gynecol. Oncol., 88-96
Advances in Type 1 Diabetes Prediction Using Islet Autoantibodies: Beyond a Simple Count
So, M; Speake, C; Steck, AK; Lundgren, M; Colman, PG; Palmer, JP; Herold, KC; Greenbaum, CJ
(2021), Endocr. Rev., 584-604
Simplifying prediction of disease progression in pre-symptomatic type 1 diabetes using a single blood sample
Bediaga, NG; Li-Wai-Suen, CSN; Haller, MJ; Gitelman, SE; Evans-Molina, C; Gottlieb, PA; Hippich, M; Ziegler, AG; Lernmark, A; DiMeglio, LA; Wherrett, DK; Colman, PG; Harrison, LC; Wentworth, JM
(2021), Diabetologia, 2432-2444
Women with type 1 diabetes and women with type 2 diabetes differ in knowledge and beliefs about contraception and pregnancy
Hendrieckx, C; Morrison, M; Audehm, R; Barry, A; Farrell, K; Houvardas, E; Nankervis, A; Porter, C; Scibilia, R; Ross, G
(2021), Diabetic Med.
DOI: 10.1111/dme.14521
Evaluation of protocol amendments to the Environmental Determinants of Islet Autoimmunity (ENDIA) study during the COVID-19 pandemic
Penno, MAS; Anderson, AJ; Thomson, RL; McGorm, K; Barry, SC; Colman, PG; Craig, ME; Davis, EA; Harris, M; Haynes, A; Morahan, G; Oakey, H; Rawlinson, WD; Sinnott, RO; Soldatos, G; Vuillermin, PJ; Wentworth, JM; Harrison, LC; Couper, JJ
(2021), Diabetic Med.
DOI: 10.1111/dme.14638
Comment on 'impact of routine Clinic Measurement of random Serum c-peptide in people with a Clinician Diagnosis of type 1 diabetes'
Patel, SK; Fourlanos, S; Greenfield, JR
(2021), Diabetic Med.
DOI: 10.1111/dme.14513
Less Nocturnal Hypoglycemia but Equivalent Time in Range Among Adults with Type 1 Diabetes Using Insulin Pumps Versus Multiple Daily Injections
McAuley, SA; Vogrin, S; Lee, MH; Paldus, B; Trawley, S; de Bock, MI; Abraham, MB; Bach, LA; Burt, MG; Cohen, ND; Colman, PG; Davis, EA; Hendrieckx, C; Holmes-Walker, DJ; Jenkins, AJ; Kaye, J; Keech, AC; Kumareswaran, K; MacIsaac, RJ; McCallum, RW; Sims, CM; Speight, J; Stranks, SN; Sundararajan, V; Ward, GM; Jones, TW; O'Neal, DN
(2021), Diabetes Technol. Ther., 460-466
Meal-time glycaemia in adults with type 1 diabetes using multiple daily injections vs insulin pump therapy following carbohydrate-counting education and bolus calculator provision
Lu, JC; Vogrin, S; McAuley, SA; Lee, MH; Paldus, B; Bach, LA; Burt, MG; Clarke, PM; Cohen, ND; Colman, PG; de Bock, MI; Holmes-Walker, DJ; Jenkins, AJ; Kaye, J; Keech, AC; Kumareswaran, K; MacIsaac, RJ; McCallum, RW; Roem, K; Sims, C; Stranks, SN; Trawley, S; Ward, GM; Sundararajan, V; Jones, TW; O'Neal, DN
(2021), Diabetes Res. Clin. Pract.
Therapeutic inertia in the management of dyslipidaemia and hypertension in incident type 2 diabetes and the resulting risk factor burden: Real-world evidence from primary care
Ling, JZJ; Montvida, O; Khunti, K; Zhang, AL; Xue, CC; Paul, SK
(2021), Diabetes Obes. Metab., 1518-1531
DOI: 10.1111/dom.14364