Consumers talk about coming to terms with and learning to live with the benefits and side effects of their medication.
We’re not all chemists: it can be hard to understand and weigh-up the risks, costs, benefits and side effects of medication, balancing possible physical damage against positive mental health.
To better understand medication and make informed decisions, watch the following videos and take a look at these medication fact sheets.
Medication should be a shared decision between you and your treating team. Do your research and ask questions to make sure you are making an informed decision about your medication.
"Do your research. Medication – and especially heavy-duty medication that you're on for the rest of your life – that's a major, life-changing decision ... Don't sleepwalk into it like I did."
Finding the right medication can sometimes be trial and error. Keeping a diary of new medications and their side effects can help you keep track of what works or doesn't work for you.
This consumer experienced side effects while taking Clozapine, which led to additional medical treatments down the track.
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