Congratulations to the RMH and the University of Melbourne Researcher Dr Jo Tropea, who has received a $990,731.50 NHMRC grant to establish national communities of practice for infection prevention leads in aged care.
Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Leads are staff members in aged care facilities with specialist training in infection prevention. These roles were established during COVID-19 to prevent the spread of infectious diseases in aged care facilities. Dr Tropea and her team set up a research trial, IMMERSE: IMpleMenting Effective infection prevention and control in ReSidential aged carE: Communities of Practice for IPC Leads, after a gap had emerged whereby these specialist staff members had no access to peer support. “The Communities of Practice provide a space whereby IPC Leads can exchange learnings and talk through complex situations with other IPC Leads for support and advice,” Dr Tropea said. IPC Lead at the RMH Cyril Jewell House Donna Mangilet said the Communities of Practice allows her to lean on colleagues through sharing updates and best practice advice. “I always look forward to our online meeting at the end of each month because it enables me to gather relevant and up-to-date information through collaborative learning.” Dr Tropea’s latest grant is to set up the IMMERSE-2: IMpleMenting Effective infection prevention and control in ReSidential aged carE: Communities of Practice for IPC Leads study, which will set up Communities of Practice for IPC Leads around Australia.
Mobile Stroke Unit with Ambulance Victoria paramedic and the RMH Stroke team
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