Our medical, nursing and allied health clinicians are increasingly involved in research to improve the care of our patients. This is reflected in the breadth of our research publications.

99 results found

Persistent critical illness: baseline characteristics, intensive care course, and cause of death

Darvall, JN; Boonstra, T; Norman, J; Murphy, D; Bailey, M; Iwashyna, TJ; Bagshaw, SM; Bellomo, R

(2019), Crit Care Resusc., 110-118

Validation of the cognitive recovery assessments with the Postoperative Quality of Recovery Scale in patients with low-baseline cognition

Bowyer, AJ; Heiberg, J; Sessler, DI; Newman, S; Royse, AG; Royse, CF

(2018), Anaesthesia, 1382-1391

DOI: 10.1111/anae.14402

Pilot multi-centre randomised trial of the impact of pre-operative focused cardiac ultrasound on mortality and morbidity in patients having surgery for femoral neck fractures (ECHONOF-2 pilot)

Canty, DJ; Heiberg, J; Yang, Y; Royse, AG; Margale, S; Nanjappa, N; Scott, D; Maier, A; Sessler, DI; Chuan, A; Palmer, A; Bucknill, A; French, C; Royse, CF

(2018), Anaesthesia, 428-437

DOI: 10.1111/anae.14130

Transfusion Requirements in Cardiac Surgery III (TRICS III): Study Design of a Randomized Controlled Trial

Shehata, N; Whitlock, R; Fergusson, DA; Thorpe, KE; MacAdams, C; Grocott, HP; Rubens, F; Fremes, S; Lellouche, F; Bagshaw, S; Royse, A; Rosseel, PM; Hare, G; De Medicis, E; Hudson, C; Belley-Cote, E; Bainbridge, D; Kent, B; Shaw, A; Byrne, K; Syed, S; Royse, CF; McGuiness, S; Hall, J; Mazer, CD

(2018), J. Cardiothorac. Vasc. Anesth., 121-129

DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2017.10.036

Does Radial Artery Harvest for Coronary Surgery Compromise Forearm Blood Flow to 22 Years Post-Operative?

Royse, AG; O'Donnell, MJ; Mocioaca, L; Sharma, V; Ou-Young, JC; Canty, DJ; Royse, CF

(2018), J. Am. Coll. Cardiol., 1981-1982

DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2018.07.073

21-Year Survival of Left Internal Mammary Artery-Radial Artery-Y Graft

Royse, AG; Brennan, AP; Ou-Young, J; Pawanis, Z; Canty, DJ; Royse, CF

(2018), J. Am. Coll. Cardiol., 1332-1340

DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2018.06.064

Propofol Attenuates the Myocardial Protection Properties of Desflurane by Modulating Mitochondrial Permeability Transition

Heiberg, J; Royse, CF; Royse, AG; Andrews, DT

(2018), Anesth. Analg., 387-397

DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000003450

The influence of prolonged intensive care stay on quality of life, recovery, and clinical outcomes following cardiac surgery: A prospective cohort study

Diab, MS; Bilkhu, R; Soppa, G; Edsell, M; Fletcher, N; Heiberg, J; Royse, C; Jahangiri, M

(2018), J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg., 1906-+

DOI: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2018.05.076

A randomised controlled trial comparing high-flow nasal oxygen with standard management for conscious sedation during bronchoscopy

Douglas, N; Ng, I; Nazeem, F; Lee, K; Mezzavia, P; Krieser, R; Steinfort, D; Irving, L; Segal, R

(2018), Anaesthesia, 169-176

DOI: 10.1111/anae.14156

High flow humidified nasal oxygen in pregnant women

Tan, PCF; Dennis, AT

(2018), Anaesth. Intensive Care, 36-41

DOI: 10.1177/0310057X1804600106

Frailty indexes in perioperative and critical care: A systematic review

Darvall, JN; Gregorevic, KJ; Story, DA; Hubbard, RE; Lim, WK

(2018), Arch. Gerontol. Geriatr., 88-96

DOI: 10.1016/j.archger.2018.08.006

Discussion about Association of frailty with short-term outcomes, organ support and resource use in critically ill patients

Darvall, JN; Pilcher, D; Bellomo, R; Zampieri, FG; Iwashyna, TJ; Viglianti, EM; Soares, M

(2018), Intensive Care Med., 2014-2016

DOI: 10.1007/s00134-018-5382-7

Evaluation of the Clinical Utility of Transesophageal Echocardiography and Invasive Monitoring to Assess Right Ventricular Function During and After Pulmonary Endarterectomy

Sullivan, TP; Moore, JE; Klein, AA; Jenkins, DP; Williams, LK; Roscoe, A; Tsang, W

(2018), J. Cardiothorac. Vasc. Anesth., 771-778

DOI: 10.1053/j.jvca.2017.09.026

Period-dependent Associations between Hypotension during and for Four Days after Noncardiac Surgery and a Composite of Myocardial Infarction and Death

Sessler, DI; Meyhoff, CS; Zimmerman, NM; Mao, GM; Leslie, K; Vasquez, SM; Balaji, P; Alvarez-Garcia, J; Cavalcanti, AB; Parlow, JL; Rahate, PV; Seeberger, MD; Gossetti, B; Walker, SA; Premchand, RK; Dahl, RM; Duceppe, E; Rodseth, R; Botto, F; Devereaux, PJ

(2018), Anesthesiology, 317-327

DOI: 10.1097/ALN.0000000000001985

The patient's surgical journey and consequences of poor recovery

Royse, CF

(2018), Best Pract. Res.-Clin. Anaesth., 253-258

DOI: 10.1016/j.bpa.2018.06.001

A randomised controlled trial comparing fibreoptic-guided tracheal intubation through two supraglottic devices: Ambu (R) AuraGain (TM) laryngeal mask and LMA (R) Fastrach (TM)

Preece, G; Ng, I; Lee, K; Mezzavia, P; Krieser, R; Williams, DL; Stewart, O; Segal, R

(2018), Anaesth. Intensive Care, 474-479

DOI: 10.1177/0310057X1804600508

Validation of a revised Mandarin Chinese language version of the Postoperative Quality of Recovery Scale

Ni, J; El-Ansary, D; Heiberg, J; Shen, G; You, Q; Gao, Y; Liu, K; Ke, H; Royse, CF

(2018), Anaesth. Intensive Care, 278-289

DOI: 10.1177/0310057X1804600305

The use of Transnasal Humidified Rapid-Insufflation Ventilatory Exchange (THRIVE) for pre-oxygenation in neurosurgical patients: a randomised controlled trial

Ng, I; Krieser, R; Mezzavia, P; Lee, K; Tseng, C; Douglas, NWR; Segal, R

(2018), Anaesth. Intensive Care, 360-367

DOI: 10.1177/0310057X1804600403

Self-Organized Nanostructure Modified Microelectrode for Sensitive Electrochemical Glutamate Detection in Stem Cells-Derived Brain Organoids

Nasr, B; Chatterton, R; Yong, JHM; Jamshidi, P; D'Abaco, GM; Bjorksten, AR; Kavehei, O; Chana, G; Dottori, M; Skafidas, E

(2018), Biosensors-Basel

DOI: 10.3390/bios8010014

Restrictive versus Liberal Fluid Therapy for Major Abdominal Surgery

Myles, PS; Bellomo, R; Corcoran, T; Forbes, A; Peyton, P; Story, D; Christophi, C; Leslie, K; McGuinness, S; Parke, R; Serpell, J; Chan, MTV; Painter, T; McCluskey, S; Minto, G; Wallace, S

(2018), N. Engl. J. Med., 2263-2274

DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1801601

Six-Month Outcomes after Restrictive or Liberal Transfusion for Cardiac Surgery

Mazer, CD; Whitlock, RP; Fergusson, DA; Belley-Cote, E; Connolly, K; Khanykin, B; Gregory, AJ; de Medicis, E; Carrier, FM; McGuinness, S; Young, PJ; Byrne, K; Villar, JC; Royse, A; Grocott, HP; Seeberger, MD; Mehta, C; Lellouche, F; Hare, GMT; Painter, TW; Fremes, S; Syed, S; Bagshaw, SM; Hwang, NC; Royse, C; Hall, J; Dai, D; Mistry, N; Thorpe, K; Verma, S; Juni, P; Shehata, N

(2018), N. Engl. J. Med., 1224-1233

DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1808561

Out of Africa: three generalisable lessons about clinical research

Leslie, K; Story, DA; Diouf, E

(2018), Br. J. Anaesth., 700-702

DOI: 10.1016/j.bja.2018.07.005

Sedation for gastrointestinal endoscopy in Australia: what is the same and what is different?

Leslie, K; Sgroi, J

(2018), Curr. Opin. Anesthesiol., 481-485

DOI: 10.1097/ACO.0000000000000620

Reporting of sex and gender in human studies published in anaesthesia journals

Leslie, K; Edgley, C; Lee, ACY; Sellar, A; Sgroi, J; Toh, R

(2018), Br. J. Anaesth., 1128-1130

DOI: 10.1016/j.bja.2017.11.097

Aspirin in Patients With Previous Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery

Graham, MM; Sessler, DI; Parlow, JL; Biccard, BM; Guyatt, G; Leslie, K; Chan, MTV; Meyhoff, CS; Xavier, D; Sigamani, A; Kumar, PA; Mrkobrada, M; Cook, DJ; Tandon, V; Alvarez-Garcia, J; Villar, JC; Painter, TW; Landoni, G; Fleischmann, E; Lamy, A; Whitlock, R; Le Manach, Y; Aphang-Lam, M; Cata, JP; Gao, P; Terblanche, NCS; Ramana, PV; Jamieson, KA; Bessissow, A; Mendoza, GR; Ramirez, S; Diemunsch, PA; Yusuf, S; Devereaux, PJ

(2018), Ann. Intern. Med., 237-+

DOI: 10.7326/M17-2341

A frail future

Darvall, JN; Gregorevic, KJ; Story, DA; Hubbard, RE; Lim, WK

(2018), Anaesthesia, 1041-1042

DOI: 10.1111/anae.14371

Junctional membrane Ca2+ dynamics in human muscle fibers are altered by malignant hyperthermia causative RyR mutation

Cully, TR; Choi, RH; Bjorksten, AR; Stephenson, DG; Murphy, RM; Launikonis, BS

(2018), Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 8215-8220

DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1800490115

Competency-based assessment tools for regional anaesthesia: a narrative review

Chuan, A; Wan, AS; Royse, CF; Forrest, K

(2018), Br. J. Anaesth., 264-273

DOI: 10.1016/j.bja.2017.09.007

Systematic review and consensus definitions for standardised endpoints in perioperative medicine: postoperative cancer outcomes

Buggy, DJ; Freeman, J; Johnson, MZ; Leslie, K; Riedel, B; Sessler, DI; Kurz, A; Gottumukkala, V; Short, T; Pace, N; Myles, PM

(2018), Br. J. Anaesth., 38-44

DOI: 10.1016/j.bja.2018.03.020

A matter of perspective - Objective versus subjective outcomes in the assessment of quality of recovery

Bowyer, A; Royse, C

(2018), Best Pract. Res.-Clin. Anaesth., 287-294

DOI: 10.1016/j.bpa.2018.02.003