These videos and brochures demonstrate the safe set up and use of different types of equipment that may be recommended by your occupational therapist.
Ensure you practise set up and use of equipment and aids, preferably with a family member present. This will ensure safe and effective equipment use before actual use.
Who are the resources for?
These videos are for people who have had specific equipment recommended to them by their occupational therapist for use at home. The recommendations are based on the individual’s injuries and functional capacity following a hospital admission.
When are you supposed to use them?
Your therapist will indicate which videos or brochures are relevant to you and when to use them.
If you need help
Contact your occupational therapist if you have any questions or concerns regarding the set up of equipment as shown in these resources.
Bathroom equipment
Download our patient brochure
This video helps you to set up and use your shower stool. This includes how to adjust the height correctly, how to position it correctly in your shower and how to complete safe transfers on and off.
Download our patient brochure
This video helps you to set up your over toilet frame. This includes how to adjust the height and how to position the frame over your toilet correctly.
This video helps you to set up your toilet surround frame. This includes how to adjust the height correctly and how to position the frame around your toilet correctly.
This video demonstrates how to use a bottom wiper to increase independence with toileting.
Download our patient brochure
This video helps you safely set up and use your bath transfer bench.
Download our patient brochure
This video helps you set up your bath board safely. It includes how to position the board over your bath correctly and directions for use.
Mobility and seating equipment
This video helps you to set up your manual wheelchair and guide you through the mechanics of use.
This video demonstrates how to safely transfer in and out of the shower while maintaining a non-weight bearing restriction in one lower limb.
This video shows you how set up your ROHO cushion, including how to correctly position it, adjust the height and monitor your cushion.
Bedroom equipment
Download our patient brochure
Dressing and hygiene equipment
This video demonstrates how to use a bottom wiper to increase independence with toileting.
This video helps you to use a long handled reacher to dress your lower body. Please ensure you are seated when performing this task.
This video helps you to use a sock donner to put on your socks. Please ensure you are seated when performing this task.
Level 3 North
300 Grattan St, Parkville, Victoria
Graeme Larkins Rehabilitation Building (Building 26)
34-54 Poplar Rd, Parkville, Victoria