Clinical Pastoral Education is an experiential educational process set within the context of direct pastoral ministry.

Developed within the Christian faith tradition, Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) uses action/reflection methodology and principles that are applicable to other faiths and spiritual expression.

Jess, Lauren and Masoud share their experience of the Clinical Pastoral Education course at the RMH.

About CPE

CPE requires a commitment to the holistic care of persons and to exploration of the interface of life events and a person’s search for meaning. It provides opportunities for supervised pastoral encounters with people in a variety of circumstances.

The various circumstances confront people with questions of meaning and purpose and in meeting them in these profound places, CPE student learns the possibilities for offering effective spiritual care.

CPE seeks to develop:

  • Self-awareness and compassion of caregiving professionals so that they can more effectively foster resilience and wellbeing in those they serve
  • Pastoral, professional and personal identity
  • Pastoral awareness and competence in assessment of spiritual need/resources
  • capacity to evaluate ministry practice within small groups and individual supervision

Learning outcomes are transferable to many caregiving contexts.

Personal reflection and evaluation of hands-on experiences enables participants to develop new awareness of their own humanity, the needs of those to whom they serve and the capacity to facilitate and support an individual’s search for and discovery of meaning.

Learning opportunities
Curriculum features
Program dates
Cost and time commitment
Qualification recognition
Contact us
Centre for Clinical Pastoral Education
0438 599 209
CPE Centre Director
The RMH Parkville
Level 2 South
300 Grattan St, Parkville, Victoria
Last updated 23 August 2024