144 results found for 'Referrals'

Continence Service RMH Service

We provide care for patients who experience bladder and bowel continence problems of all types and degrees.


Services and clinics

Search or browse through our clinical services to find out more about referrals and what each service does.


Eating Disorders Program RMH Service

Through our multidisciplinary team of mental health professionals, we offer a range of treatment and support options for people affected by an eating disorder.


Breast Cancer Survivorship Program RMH Service

The RMH, the Women’s, Western Health, BreaCan and North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network provide the Breast Cancer Survivorship Program.


Aged Care Assessment Service RMH Service

We provide assessment, information and advice to clients and their carers to support informed decision making regarding their individual care needs.


Vascular Surgery RMH Service

We provide a full range of vascular diagnostic, interventional endovascular and conventional vascular surgery.


COVID-19 and long COVID RMH Service

While we don't have a specific COVID-19 or long COVID Specialist Clinic (Outpatient service), we do accept long COVID patients to our other specialists based on their symptoms and presenting complaints.


Parkville Familial Cancer Centre RMH Service

The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and the Women’s work together to deliver comprehensive and coordinated familial cancer services across all three hospitals.


VTP services

We provide patient education, support access to medication to treat tuberculosis (TB), conduct contact tracing, undertake workplace TB screening to find infection, and facilitate referrals to other services.


Virtual Fracture Clinic for health professionals

The Royal Melbourne Hospital Virtual Fracture Clinic (VFC) was established in March 2017 after a funding grant from Better Care Victoria.

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