Through our multidisciplinary team of mental health professionals, we offer a range of treatment and support options for people affected by an eating disorder.

Key points

  • We provide inpatient and outpatient treatment for adults (18 years and over) who have a moderate to severe eating disorder
  • We assess each referral to our service and create a treatment plan based on the needs and goals of the individual
  • Private psychiatrists, Public Area Mental Health Services, Consultation Liaison Psychiatry and Psychiatric Inpatient Units may refer directly to the intake registrar
  • GPs, allied health, consumers and carers may refer via Mental Health Triage

What we do

An experienced, multidisciplinary team assesses each referral to our service. Our team works collaboratively with the person and community care team to create an individualised treatment plan.

This includes communicating with other healthcare professionals treating the person to establish which options would be the most suitable starting point to achieve recovery goals.

It is expected that the referred person is engaged with  a medical practitioner (GP) and either a therapist, key clinician or case manager in the community.

Our team

We have a multidisciplinary team of mental health professionals, including:

  • Psychiatry (doctors)
  • Nursing
  • Psychology
  • Social work
  • Dietetics
  • Occupational therapy
  • Art therapy
  • Music therapy
  • Lived-experience workforce (consumer and carer)

Who can use our service

We provide treatment for adults (18 years and over) who have a moderate to severe eating disorder.

The service is provided to residents of northwestern Metropolitan Melbourne and Western Victoria (Loddon Mallee, Grampians, Glenelg and Barwon regions).

Treatment options

Our program offers a range of treatment options that provide varying levels of support according to the needs and treatment goals of each individual.


Before you refer directly to our service

Referral pathways

The following referrers can refer directly to the RMH Eating Disorder intake registrar on (03) 9342 4045:

  • Private psychiatrists
  • Public Area Mental Health Services
  • Consultation Liaison Psychiatry
  • Psychiatric Inpatient Units

GPs, allied health, consumers and carers can refer via the RMH Mental Health Triage. Call 1300 874 243 (1300 TRIAGE) to discuss a new referral.

The RMH Mental Health Services Triage processes referrals for the RMH Eating Disorder catchment, excluding South West Area Mental Health Service (SWAMHS), Orygen Youth Health and Bendigo Health.

Special referral instructions

HealthPathways Melbourne provides guidance on best practice assessment and management of common medical conditions, including when and where to refer patients.

Parkville Connect is a secure web-based portal providing GPs, specialists and other health professionals with information in the Parkville electronic medical record (EMR).

Links & documents

RANZCP: Eating disorders
Clinical practice guidelines and associated resources
Contact us
Eating Disorders Program
(03) 9342 8483
The RMH Parkville
Level 2 West
300 Grattan St, Parkville, Victoria
Mental Health Triage
1300 874 243
Supplementary referral information only. We do not accept email referrals.
(03) 9342 4147
In an emergency, call 000

If you are in an emergency situation where you are worried about your safety or someone else's, call 000 for an immediate response.

If you need to talk, contact Lifeline, SuicideLine or Beyond Blue.

Last updated 26 June 2024