297 results found for 'Visiting hours'

Specialist Clinics construction in progress News article

Works are in progress in Specialist Clinics area at the RMH Parkville as we create new facilities to care for our community.


Health services partnership

The Royal Melbourne Hospital (RMH) works with other healthcare organisations at all levels of the health system to meet the health and wellbeing needs of our growing and diverse community.


Meet Kelly, the RMH’s 2021 Dry July Ambassador News article

Kelly O'Sullivan was no stranger to head and neck cancer. Her stepfather battled with the disease, but her diagnosis, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, still came as a shock.


Patients without a Medicare card

The Royal Melbourne Hospital is a public health care facility. All patients who want to use our services must have a Medicare card or eligible for free medical care.


Freedom of Information (FOI)

You have the right to access your medical records held by the Royal Melbourne Hospital under the FOI Act.


Cardiac Catheter Lab

Our Cardiac Catheter Laboratory offers a 24-hour on-call service through both Emergency and direct ambulance admission.


Mum of twins saved at the RMH News article

Alex Judd was rushed to the RMH's ICU just hours after giving birth to her twin daughters.


The RMH Parkville

The Royal Melbourne Hospital Parkville located on Grattan Street is our acute, specialist hospital.

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