Our Infection Prevention and Surveillance service promotes, supports and reinforces practices and procedures to prevent the spread of infections in the hospital.

Key points

  • We provide expert advice based on evidence-based practice, legislation, standards and guidelines
  • The service ensures systems are in place to assess, identify and manage and/or eliminate potential infection risks and manage any infection control breaches
  • We work in partnership with key internal and external stakeholders to promote patient-centred care

What we do

The Infection Prevention and Surveillance Service (IPSS) is a multidisciplinary team of nursing, medical, data analysts, nurse immunisers and epidemiology staff.

IPSS promotes, supports and reinforces practices and procedures that protect patients, staff and visitors from picking up infections while in the hospital.

Our service and team: 

  • Provides expert advice based on evidence-based practice, legislation, standards and guidelines,  benchmarking against other recognised levels of national and international practice
  • Ensures systems are in place to assess, identify and manage and eliminate potential infection risks and manage any infection control breaches
  • Works in partnership with key internal and external stakeholders to promote patient-centred care 
  • Engages and collaborates with clinical groups
  • Aims to meet all requirements for infection prevention and control as outlined in the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care's National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (second edition)

We were the proud recipients of the Nurse of the Year 2020 team award for our outstanding work throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

How you can help us keep everyone safe

Our staff are here to keep you safe and to protect you from acquiring an infection during your hospital stay. We invite you to be actively involved in your healthcare decisions and speak up if you do not feel safe.

You may be asked to:

  • Perform hand hygiene before you leave your room, during group therapy, after using the bathroom or before eating
  • Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze then wash your hands with soap and water or use alcohol based hand rub on your hands
  • Wear a mask during your visit to the Emergency Department and other areas of the hospital
  • Speak up if you see someone not washing their hands or using the alcohol-based handrub before coming into your room or before touching your tubes, lines or dressings
For patients
For health professionals
Head of service
A/Prof Caroline Marshall
Liz Orr
Manager, Infection Prevention & Surveillance Service
Contact us
Infection Prevention & Surveillance
(03) 9342 8824
The RMH Parkville
Level 7 Centre for Medical Research
300 Grattan St, Parkville, Victoria
Patient using Telehealth


Start your Telehealth video call at your appointment time by joining this waiting room.

Last updated 12 January 2023