206 results found for 'Parking'

About the RMH

The Royal Melbourne Hospital (RMH) began in 1848 as Victoria’s first public hospital, and today is one of the largest healthcare providers in Australia. 



When you are in hospital, every day you or your carers can choose what you will eat from an electronic menu.


Graduate Nurse Program

Our Graduate Nurse Program is designed to support registered nurses in their first year of practice and provide opportunities to consolidate both theoretical and clinical skills.


Community Therapy Services RMH Service

We provide a comprehensive range of multidisciplinary rehabilitation services.


The RMH nurses present at National Nursing Forum News article

Nurses from the Royal Melbourne Hospital have been in Darwin this week to present at the 2022 National Nursing Forum.


Rehabilitation Medicine RMH Service

We treat, care for and support people who are recovering after an injury, illness or surgery for an acquired or congenital condition.


Comprehensive Epilepsy Program RMH Service

We provide state-of-the-art diagnostic technologies and treatments for people with epilepsy.


Specialist Clinics (Outpatients)

Sometimes people need to attend a specialist clinic for a check-up, specialist treatment or ongoing care at the hospital. 


Community Services RMH Service

We provide patients with the extra support that they need after a hospital stay.

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