In Australia, kidney transplants were pioneered by the RMH in the 1960s and we continue our ground-breaking work.

Pushing the boundaries in transplantation
Living donors
ABO incompatible transplantation
Highly sensitised patients
Kidney Transplant Coordinators
Kidney transplant waiting list

Find out more about our Kidney Transplantation service.

Kidney transplantation explained

Kidney transplantation information

Kidney transplantation from a living donor

Viral risks of kidney transplantation

Fertility and pregnancy post-transplant

Medical aspects of kidney transplantation

Kidney transplant journeys

This video about kidney transplant and dialysis is designed for First Nations people with kidney problems.

Reflections of participants around their experience of the Australian and New Zealand Paired Kidney Exchange Program (ANZKX).

This video from DonateLife has information for transplant recipients who may like to write a letter or card to a donor's family.

Kidney transplant videos | The Transplant Network
The Transplant Network is a not-for-profit organisation collection of videos on patient experiences of transplantation and donation.
Living with your transplant | Transplant Australia
Find resources on how to manage changes to your life after transplant.
Contact between donor families and recipients | DonateLife
Guidelines for how donor families and those who have received a transplant can write anonymous letters to each other.
Contact us
Kidney Transplant Coordinators
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
The RMH Parkville
300 Grattan St, Parkville, Victoria
Last updated 02 May 2024