Getting you home or to your residential care facility as smoothly as possible is our priority.
We will start to plan for your discharge as soon as you arrive (sometimes even before you arrive). We will discuss your expected date of discharge with you and/or your carer as early as possible, so you can start making plans.
This planning may include arrangements for you to receive continued nursing, rehabilitation or other support services at another facility, at home or in another inpatient program at the RMH Royal Park.
We aim to discharge patients by 10am each day. When you are discharged, your family or carers can pick you up and take you home.
Before you leave hospital, ask your nurse about:
- Your discharge summary (or letter to your family doctor/GP)
- Your medicines and make sure they have been explained to you
- Who to contact if you have any questions or concerns
- The date and time of your follow up appointment/s, if you need one
Last updated 14 December 2022