An observational study to try and identify people at risk of developing type 1 diabetes

Currently recruiting
HREC ethics approval number 2019.188

About the study

We know that people with a close family member (blood relative) with type 1 diabetes have a 10 to 15 times greater risk of developing type 1 diabetes than those without. Type 1 diabetes is now understood as a disease that starts many years before insulin injections are first needed to control blood sugar levels.

This ‘pre-clinical’ phase of the disease can be detected by measuring proteins in the blood called antibodies. By identifying people at increased risk of developing type 1 diabetes we can provide monitoring and support that aims to prevent serious illness if type 1 diabetes develops.

People who test positive for antibodies may also wish to participate in other research studies that aim to delay or prevent the need for insulin treatment. 

Anticipated date that enrolment will close: Ongoing recruitment

Contact us to find out more about this research study, quoting reference number 2019.188

Who can take part

You may be eligible to participate in this study because you have type 1 diabetes. To be eligible for inclusion the participant must:

  • be aged 2 years or older
  • have a relative with type 1 diabetes 

What's involved

There are two options for screening:

  • finger prick test onto a blood spot card at home or
  • formal blood sample collected at a local blood collection centre.

Results will be communicated within 2 months of receiving screening sample and follow up provided for any participants found to be at risk of developing type 1 diabetes

Person handling test tubes for research


All research in Australia involving human participants is reviewed by an independent group called a Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC). The ethical aspects of this research study have been approved by the Royal Melbourne Hospital HREC.

This study is being carried out according to the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007). This statement protects the interests of people who agree to participate in human research studies.

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