Our fellowship schemes foster clinical research by investing in the highest quality projects by our most innovative researchers.
Fellowships provide a vehicle for advanced training in health and medical research at the Royal Melbourne Hospital.
Fellowship schemes at the RMH
The RMH Margaret Henderson Women in Research Fellowship and The RMH Fight Cancer Foundation Fay Duncan Women in Research Fellowship
While the benefits of research have accrued to all people, the opportunity to do research has been limited for women and yet female clinicians are highly represented in the healthcare workforce.
To address the gender balance in research, we launched the RMH Margaret Henderson Women in Research Fellowship program to create opportunities for young female scientists and clinicians to undertake research as part of their careers. The $50,000 prize will enable the recipient to carry out further research in their area of expertise.
The RMH Fight Cancer Foundation Fay Duncan Women in Research Fellowship supports applications in the area of cancer research.
The RMH Allan Watt and Chris Geyer Oncology Research Fellowship (not on offer in 2023 Grant Round)
The aim of this fellowship is to provide funding support to mid-career clinicians to undertake research in the areas of liver or colorectal oncology and brain oncology. The two-year fellowship valued at up to $160,000 covers salary and/or direct research costs.
The RMH DW Keir Fellowship in Medical Research
The aim of this prestigious fellowship is to provide an outstanding Australian researcher with the opportunity to undertake research within the RMH.
The two-year Fellowship valued at up to $175,000 covers salary and/or direct research costs.
Essential reading
Important dates
Applications open: 09:00 AEST, Monday 27 November 2023
Closing date for submissions: 23:59 AEST, Friday 19 January 2024
Notification of outcome: March 2024
300 Grattan St, Parkville, Victoria