We diagnose and treat patients with symptoms and illnesses of the mind and brain, including complex neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders.

Key points

  • We diagnose and treat people with complex mental health issues, neuropsychiatric, neurocognitive, neurodegenerative and neurological conditions
  • We provide patients and their families with comprehensive assessment and management advice
  • We accept referrals through a GP or other medical specialist
Patients need a referral from their GP or healthcare provider. Access referral information

What we do

The Neuropsychiatry Centre is a clinical unit of the Royal Melbourne Hospital (RMH).

As a statewide specialist mental health service, we offer neuropsychiatric assessment and advice to psychiatric, neurological and other medical and mental health services.

We employ a multidisciplinary approach to provide patients and their families with comprehensive assessment and management advice.

Our team has a high level of expertise and knowledge across:

  • Neuropsychiatry
  • Neuropsychology
  • Neurology
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech pathology
  • Social work
  • Specialist mental health and general nursing

Introduction to the Neuropsychiatry Centre

Who can use our service

As a statewide specialist service, we accept referrals for assessment throughout Victoria, and on occasion from interstate.

We receive referrals from acute psychiatric inpatient units, community mental health services, aged mental health services, rural mental health services, private psychiatrists and general medical services, including general practice.

Eligibility criteria

We assess patients who have a mixture of psychiatric and/or neurological conditions that require specialised diagnosis, investigation and management.

For example, your patient may be referred to our service for:

  • Differentiating severe mental illness from ‘organic disorders’
  • Younger onset dementia, or rare or atypical dementias
  • Movement disorders – either primary (Huntington’s Disease or predictive Huntington’s Disease) or secondary (medication-related)
  • Neurogenetics
  • Metabolic Neuropsychiatry
  • Inborn metabolic disorders with psychiatric sequelae (Niemann Pick Type C, PKU)
  • Cognitive impairment associated with psychiatric illness
  • Neurological disorders (for example, Parkinson’s disease or epilepsy)
  • Complex psychiatric disorders
  • Conversion disorders
  • Deep Brain Stimulation for obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Complex or treatment-resistant major psychiatric illness
  • ECT in Autism spectrum disorder and catatonia
  • Congenital neuropsychiatric disorders
  • Other neuropsychiatric presentation (schizophrenia with movement disorder, vasculitis, organic psychiatric disorder, neurometabolic disorder)
  • Access to investigations for those with severe mental illness

What we offer

Our specialists can offer the following services:

  • Neuropsychiatric assessment
  • Neuropsychological assessment
  • Primary or secondary consultations
  • Second opinions
  • Attendance at multidisciplinary meetings
  • Educational seminars
  • Involvement in carer and patient support
  • Video interpreting services available

Our clinics

Neuropsychology Clinic
The RMH Parkville


We accept referrals for this service

To refer your patient:

  1. Check the referral criteria listed under 'Who can use our service'
  2. Complete our Neuropsychiatry Centre online referral formreferrals sent via email will not be considered

Contact neuropsychiatry@mh.org.au if you would like to discuss a new referral.

If your enquiry relates specifically to an inpatient admission, please phone (03) 9342 4045.

Special referral instructions

HealthPathways Melbourne provides guidance on best practice assessment and management of common medical conditions, including when and where to refer patients.

Parkville Connect is a secure web-based portal providing GPs, specialists and other health professionals with information in the Parkville electronic medical record (EMR).

Requests for patient medical records

Patients have the right to access their medical records and other information.

Find out more about freedom of information (FOI) requests.

If you require a medical record for a patient and/or client for legal purposes, see 'Requesting patient information' on our For GPs page.

Change or cancel an appointment

Outpatient appointments are scheduled at least 3 months in advance.

If patients would like to cancel or reschedule their appointment, please keep this in mind.

Contact us
Neuropsychiatry Centre
(03) 9138 2850
General enquiries
(03) 9342 4034
Inpatient Clinic
(03) 7024 7004
We do not accept email referrals
The RMH Elizabeth St
Level 7
635 Elizabeth St, Melbourne, Victoria
Patient using Telehealth

Start your Telehealth video call at your appointment time by joining this waiting room.

Donate to Neuropsychiatry at the RMH

Your donation goes towards research and clinical services to enhance the lives of patients, their families and carers living with younger onset dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases.

Last updated 30 November 2023