We collect and monitor any falls that occur during a patient stay every month.
This helps us to understand who is at risk of falling while in hospital. The number of falls is given as the number for every 1000 people staying overnight in hospital (called bed days) during that month. The information is collected through the organisation’s incident management system, called ‘RiskMan’. Falls are monitored in each area of the hospital, or ward, and for the organisation.
The rate of falls for November 2025 was 4.96 per 1000 bed days
How well did we do?
The number of falls is given as the number for every 1000 people staying overnight in hospital (called bed days) during that month.
Why is this measure important?
This measure helps us to understand who is at risk of falling while in hospital. We can then create a care plan with our patients and consumers that will help keep them safe while in our care.
‘Care and Outcomes’ is one of the key strategic priorities for the RMH through improving patient safety.
What are we doing to continue to improve?
We comprehensively assess every patient for their risk of falls and talk to them about ways to prevent falls.
We have ‘post-fall’ conversations, or huddles, with patients and consumers and our health care teams to discuss how the fall happened and what can be done to prevent any future harm.
Find out more about preventing falls.