At the Royal Melbourne Hospital (RMH) excellence in clinical care is underpinned by an embedded culture of research engagement.
Key points
- The RMH research strategy for 2020-2025 is named after our organisational purpose and aligned to our broader organisational strategy - advancing health for everyone, every day
- The research priorities will guide our decisions to progress the research program at the RMH
We are constantly striving to improve patient care – treatments, therapies and the processes that allow us to make the RMH a great place to receive care and ultimately improve the quality of life of our patients and clients.
This research and improvement culture supports academic clinicians to lead advances in health and medical science and implement clinical practice at the leading edge of these developments.
Research at the RMH is supported by engagement with precinct partners including the University of Melbourne, the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI), the Florey Neurosciences Institute and the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity.
This supports clinical and translational research through engagement with the scientific capability, research infrastructure and cross-disciplinary capacity of these academic partners.
Clinical research must be responsive to changing community needs. Contemporary issues include:
- A diverse and ageing population that demands a consumer voice in how care is delivered
- Developments in data acquisition and analytics capacity
- Technologies that enable personalised medicine
- A growing recognition of the place and relevance of Australia’s Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community in health care advancement for all
A strategic plan must reflect these external realities.
Following consultation and extensive discussions, we are proud to present Advancing health for everyone, every day: The Royal Melbourne Hospital Research Strategy 2020-2025. This strategy is named after our organisational purpose and aligned to our broader organisational strategy.
The research priorities below will guide our decisions in the next five years to progress the research program at the RMH:
- Foster the development and retention of academic clinicians to drive clinical research and practice innovation
- Drive translational research through engagement and alignment with precinct partners
- Grow clinical trials capacity and participation
- Employ developments in digital health and bioinformatics to improve care and drive health services and implementation research
- Support Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples' health