When sourcing goods and services from the market, the Royal Melbourne Hospital is committed to following open, fair, and transparent sourcing processes.

Key points

  • The RMH aims to develop long-term partnerships with suppliers 
  • We want to partner with suppliers who are adaptable and innovative, who take accountability, and who can help deliver real and lasting value
  • The Annual Procurement Activity Plan provides suppliers an indication of likely sourcing activities
Staff member in full PPE practises airway training on dummy

The Annual Procurement Activity Plan provides suppliers an indication of likely sourcing activities for the RMH in this financial year. Contact the Procurement team if you have any questions.

Procurement Activity Plan 2024-25

Custom Procedure Packs

Complexity quadrant: Focused

Estimated quarter for engagement: Q4

Mini C arm

Complexity quadrant: Focused

Estimated quarter for engagement: Q4

Fire Sprinklers Replacement

Complexity quadrant: Strategic

Estimated quarter for engagement: Q3

Elevators Replacement

Complexity quadrant: Focused

Estimated quarter for engagement: Q4

Industrial Cleaning

Complexity quadrant: Leveraged

Estimated quarter for engagement: Q4

Transition Care Program (TCP)

Complexity quadrant: Strategic

Estimated quarter for engagement: Q3

Modern slavery 

The RMH commits to its ongoing responsibility to use its best endeavours to identify and take action against modern slavery risks to maintain a responsible and transparent supply chain. 

Access the RMH Modern Slavery Statement 

Contact us
The RMH Elizabeth St
635 Elizabeth St, Melbourne, Victoria
Related pages
Last updated 18 July 2024