We collect and monitor patient experience survey results as one way to continually improve.

The Victorian Healthcare Experience Survey (VHES) is a statewide survey which documents patients' views of their hospital experience. The survey is conducted on behalf of the Department of Health by a third party provider. After being discharged, randomly selected patients are contacted by the provider, asking them questions about their hospital experience at the RMH.

The RMH also conducts online patient experience surveys after discharge from hospital.

Find out more about surveys about your experience.

Why is this measure important?

This measure is an important part of understanding, and improving, the experience of our patients and consumers. “Improving Patient and Consumer Experience” is one of the key strategic priorities for the Royal Melbourne Hospital. We know that feeling safe, being treated with dignity and respect, and being involved in care decisions are all factors that drive positive patient experience.

Read the current strategic plan.

What are we doing to continue to improve?

We are encouraging our teams to communicate clearly with patients, consumers and their families, to involve them in decisions about their care, and to actively seek feedback about how we might improve the care we provide. Our ‘You said. We did’ page provides examples of what we’ve done in response to your feedback.

How can you support us in improving patient experience?

You can support us by working with your care team to understand your diagnosis and to plan the care that best meets your needs and preferences.

We want you to be involved in decisions about your care, to feel both safe and confident with your treatment, and to raise any concerns you might have.

Find out more about your rights and responsibilities as a patient or consumer.

Last updated 24 November 2022