The board has established several sub-committees, advisory and advocacy committees.
Consumer representatives are also involved in may of our committees and working groups. The board has established several sub-committees, advisory committees and advocacy committees, which are also attended by members of the Royal Melbourne Hospital (RMH) Executive.
The board chair is an ex-officio of each committee.
The RMH also has active consumer and carer representation on a range of governance committees and working groups.
Some are ongoing, while others have been established to achieve a specific goal.
The RMH Board representation
Audit Committee
Sam Lobley is chair of the committee. The committee meets quarterly.
Community Advisory Committee
Mary O'Reilly is chair of the committee. The committee meets bi-monthly.
Learn more about our Community Advisory Committee.
Finance Committee
Philippa Connolly is chair of the committee. The committee meets bi-monthly.
People, Culture and Remuneration Committee
Kylie Bishop is chair of the committee. The committee meets quarterly.
Quality and Population Health Committee
Gregory Tweedly is chair of the committee. The committee meets bi-monthly.
Redevelopment Committee
Peter Funder is the chair of the committee. The committee meets quarterly.
The RMH Foundation Committee
Eugene Arocca is chair of the committee. The committee meets quarterly.
Membership of other committees
The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute for Medical Research Committee is attended by Ms Phillippa Connolly.
The Parkville EMR Board Governance Committee is attended by the RMH Board Chair Linda Bardo Nicholls AO and Mr Eugene Arocca.
Consumer and carer involvement
The RMH ensures the experiences of consumers and their carers effectively drive improvements in safety and quality.
One of the ways we achieve this is through consumer and carer representation on committees and working groups. The purpose of this engagement is to:
- Ensure we are responsive to patient and consumer needs and priorities
- Build a collaborative approach to all our service designs and improvements
- Promote transparency in discussions regarding safety and quality
- Invite an alternative, but equally important perspective in discussions and decision making