The Advanced Life Support (ALS2) provider certificate is valid for 4 years from the date you undertook the two-day course. This date can be found on your blue ALS certificate card.

ICU staff in masks and shields looking at computer

Register for the next ALS course

Browse our events page to find the next scheduled Advanced Life Support (ALS) course.

If you wish to retain your ALS provider status you can undertake this one-day recertification course provided your current certificate has not expired.

Browse for future ALS2 recertification events.

If the date has lapsed you will need to do the two-day ALS2 course.


Melbourne Clinical Simulation Centre
The RMH Parkville
Ground Level West
300 Grattan St, Parkville, Victoria

Contact us

ALS Course coordinator
The RMH Parkville
300 Grattan St, Parkville, Victoria