The Royal Melbourne Hospital's Department of Anaesthesia and Pain Management runs courses throughout the year for health professionals.

The department provides expertise in airway management, resuscitation and trauma management. Courses are hosted in airway and bronchoscopic training, and advanced life support training at the Royal Melbourne Hospital.

Our courses

Advanced Life Support ALS2 course

The ALS2 course is conducted by Melbourne Clinical Simulation Centre at the Royal Melbourne Hospital.

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ALS2 Recertification - One-day course

The Advanced Life Support (ALS2) provider certificate is valid for 4 years from the date you undertook the two-day course. This date can be found on your blue ALS certificate card.

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Critical Care, Resuscitation and Airway Skills in High Fidelity Simulation (CRASH)

Returning to work can be a big challenge, with the period of leave often resulting in reduced confidence levels and feelings of inadequacy in performing tasks that were previously straightforward.

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International Hokkaido Trauma Conference

The International Hokkaido Trauma Conference is a series of lectures, workshops and panel discussions focused on updating clinicians on the current and changing practice of trauma medicine.

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National Airway Training Course for Anaesthetic Trainees (NATCAT)

This is the first, largest and longest running national airway course designed specifically for trainees involved in airway management, open to all anaesthetic trainees, ICU trainees, ED trainees and residents in anaesthesia, ICU and ED.

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Skills Training for Anaesthetic Residents (STAR)

The Skills Training for Anaesthetic Residents (STAR) course is designed for junior anaesthetic trainees and residents entering the anaesthetic training program.

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Terms and conditions

Course cancellation, refund and transfer policy

  1. Cancellations and deferments must be advised in writing or via email:
    • Cancellation advised in writing or via email, more than 6 weeks before the scheduled course date are entitled to refund less $50 admin fee
    • Cancellations received within 6 weeks before the course will incur a financial penalty of 50% of the registration fee or transfer to future course at our discretion
    • Cancellations within 2 weeks of the course are not entitled to any refund or transfer to future course
    • First deferment advised in writing or via email, more than 6 weeks before the scheduled course date will generally not incur a financial penalty
    • First deferment advised in writing or via email, within 6 weeks before the scheduled course date an additional 50% of the registration fee will be payable
    • A second deferment will incur a penalty of 100% of the registration fee
  2. Cancellation or deferment due to illness supported by a medical certificate (must be from a medical practitioner not a colleague) will not incur a financial penalty.
  3. A refund will not be granted if a registrant fails to attend, cancels or defer up to 2 weeks before the course.
  4. Full payment is required on registration.
  5. The RMH reserves the right to cancel planned courses and symposia, even at short notice. In the event of cancellation by the RMH, all course fees will be refunded. This precludes any other claims.
  6. If a nominated presenter cannot take a course another faculty member will be engaged by the RMH.

Privacy statement

Refer to the RMH privacy statement.

Participants' responsibilities to the RMH

As a course participant, you have the responsibility to:

  • Provide proof of professional status, if required
  • Arrange your own parking
  • Be liable for loss of personal property or parking fines incurred
  • Read and abide by all provided Royal Melbourne Hospital and Safety Guidelines

Media Release Authority

During your participation in our courses, still photos and video recordings may be taken at times. The RMH has the right to use these photos and videos for educational, administration or promotional purposes without seeking your individual authority. If you do not wish for photos or videos containing your image to be published, advise your course administrator.

Contact us
Anaesthesia Supervisors of Training
The RMH Parkville
300 Grattan St, Parkville, Victoria