Asylum seekers and refugees are provided with free medical care (including diagnostic services) in Victorian hospitals.

Asylum seekers and refugees need to produce appropriate documentation confirming their status from the Department of Home Affairs - Immigration and Citizenship or a recognised asylum support agency.

If the appropriate documentation is not provided, you will be treated as a Medicare Ineligible Patient and you will be expected to pay for all associated medical costs.

Appropriate documentation is one of the following:

  • Department of Home Affairs - Immigration and Citizenship document
  • Documentation from support agencies such as the Red Cross, Hotham Mission, McKillop Family Services or International Health and Medical Services
  • Evidence by visa class (bridging Visa E)

When documents are presented to the Patient Liaison Officer, associated fees can be waived.

Find out more about our Refugee Health service.

Contact us
Patient Liaison Officers
Mon-Fri 8.00am-4.30pm
Overseas patients
(03) 9342 7305
Overseas patients - For invoice or payment related queries
(03) 9342 7048
The RMH Parkville
300 Grattan St, Parkville, Victoria
Last updated 15 December 2022