We are on a journey to enhance the experience of our LGBTIQA+ patients, consumers and visitors.

Key points

  • The RMH's LGBTIQA+ Patient Liaison team supports LGBTIQA+ inclusion within the hospital environment
  • This service supports patients, consumers and families throughout their hospital journey
  • Patients, consumers and families can self-refer to the service via phone or email
  • Contact our LGBTIQA+ Patient Liaison team to provide feedback relating to a patient experience or for more information about how we can support you

2022 was a big year for LGBTIQA+ patients, consumers, staff and visitors at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. After consultation and feedback from members of LGBTIQA+ community, we launched our LGBTIQA+ Inclusion Action Plan 2022-25.

The Plan builds on a previous iteration and embeds the RMH commitment to being a great place to work and a great place to receive care for members of LGBTIQA+ communities.

LGBTIQA+ Patient Liaison Service

Late in 2021 we launched what is believed to be the very first Australian hospital-based LGBTIQA+ Patient Liaison Service. The service provides support to patients and families throughout their hospital journey, working closely with multidisciplinary teams to enhance and improve LGBTIQA+ safety and inclusion.

The LGBTIQA+ Patient Liaison Officers provide a range of services to patients and families, including:

  • Safety and inclusion assessment and planning
  • Medical record updates
  • Secondary consult and specialist advice
  • Strategic and patient advocacy
  • Staff education and capacity building
  • Family support
  • Pre-admission and discharge support
  • Complaints and feedback navigation
  • Intentional peer support
LGBTIQA+ intersex-inclusive pride flag

Make a referral to the LGBTIQA+ Patient Liaison Service

We accept referrals from community clinicians, as well as self-referrals from patients, consumers and families.

To make a referral, call the LGBTIQA+ Patient Liaison on (03) 9138 7300 or email lgbtiqaliaison@mh.org.au

We're here to talk about anything under the rainbow!

How to participate in inclusive practice as a patient or consumer

In 2024 RMH will be inviting Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from patients or consumers who would like to join the LGBTIQA+ Steering Committee to help implement the actions outlined in our Supporting LGBTIQA+ Inclusive Practice Action Plan.

The Steering Committee meets online once a month and is made up of RMH staff from a range of services and settings.

Raising awareness through events and social media campaigns

Supported by the organisation, campaigns will go out on our formal social media channels, as well as through our internal channels to staff.

Our LGBTIQA+ days of celebration

  • Midsumma Carnival and Pride – January to February
  • International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Lesbophobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) – 17 May
  • Wear it Purple Day – 30 August
  • Intersex Awareness Day – 26 October
  • Transgender Awareness Week – November

Update your sexual orientation and gender identity information

At the RMH, we have recently updated our Electronic Medical Record system to enable the option to record patient’s sexual orientation and gender identity.

Patients can discuss this with their treating team or contact the LGBTIQA+ Patient Liaison service for more information or support. Sexuality, gender identity and chosen name can also be updated via the Health Hub patient portal

Rainbow visibility

RMH is engaged in a range of activities to enhance visibility and create a more welcoming environment for LGBTIQA+ people. Some of these initiatives include:

  • Rolling out progress pride stickers, posters and signs of safety across the hospital
  • LGBTIQA+ Staff and Allies pronoun badges as a visible sign of support for patients, consumers and other staff
  • Pronoun badges for people receiving care at RMH on request
  • Inclusive toilet signage project and map

For more information, feedback and support

To provide feedback on a patient experience or for more information about how we can support you, contact the LGBTIQA+ Patient Liaison or the RMH Consumer Liaison.

LGBTIQA+ Patient Liaison
Mon-Fri 8.30am-5pm
The RMH Parkville
300 Grattan St, Parkville, Victoria
Consumer Liaison
The RMH Parkville
300 Grattan St, Parkville, Victoria

The LGBTIQA+ Patient Liaison Service is not a crisis service. In an emergency call 000, or find a crisis service if you need to talk.

Links & documents

Inclusion action plans

LGBTIQA+ phone and online support

Rainbow Door

A Victorian-based, free LGBTIQA+ helpline. Rainbow Door provides information, support, and referral by trained counsellors and can speak to people about suicidal thoughts, concern for others, or bereavement by suicide.


An anonymous, free, national peer-support telephone and web-chat service for LGBTIQA+ and questioning people, as well as their families and communities.


Counselling, case management, advocacy, research, training, professional development and consultancy.


A suicide prevention hub made by LGBTIQA+ people who have thought about suicide, lived through suicide attempts, supported others in distress and live with the pain of loss through suicide.

Contact us
LGBTIQA+ Patient Liaison
Mon-Fri 8.30am-5pm
The RMH Parkville
300 Grattan St, Parkville, Victoria
Last updated 18 January 2024