We provide telephone and telehealth-based support and care in the after-hours period to patients and carers of eligible programs.

Key points

  • Nurse-led telephone and telehealth-based advice, support and information for eligible at-home patients
  • Operates 4pm to 8am daily, including weekends and public holidays
  • Aims to improve patient experience, satisfaction and clinical outcomes
  • No additional cost for patients

What we do

The City Hub is an after-hours telephone and telehealth-based care and support service for eligible at-home patients. It operates between 4pm and 8am, 7 days per week.

City Hub is staffed by senior clinical nurse consultants, with access to further medical advice when needed.

When you call in, the City Hub nurse will check that you are a current at-home patient who eligible for this service. The nurse then may:

  • Provide advice, support or information over the telephone or via telehealth
  • Book you in to see your current treating team as soon as possible for follow up
  • Escalate the issue to an appropriate clinician for further medical advice via phone or telehealth
  • Recommend that you attend the nearest Emergency Department (ED) or call an ambulance if the issue is urgent

All recommendations and advice provided are communicated back to your treating team so they know what has happened overnight, and so you can remain at home and avoid the ED or readmission if that is safe.

City Hub is part of an eligible patient’s usual hospital care and there is no additional cost.

Who can use our service

City Hub after-hours telephone and telehealth service is available to:

Patients who are eligible for City Hub will be informed by their usual treating team.

Patient using Telehealth


Start your Telehealth video call at your appointment time by joining this waiting room.

Last updated 18 June 2024